There are not as many biennials as there are annuals and perennials.
Most of the biennials in adverse conditions begin to develop at an accelerated pace: instead of a two-year life cycle, they vegetate for only a few months, therefore, in countries with short and cool summers, they are grown as express annuals.
Alpine "Forget-Me-Not" (pastel mix)
Alpine "Forget Me Not" colour mix - Мyosotis х hybrida hort. Early flowering ground cover plant with a branched stem. Forms a compact dense bush 20-25 cm high, which in May is covered with a mass of small flowers collected i..
Alpine Forget-Me-Not "Blue basket"
Alpine Forget-Me-Not "Blue basket" - Myosotis alpestris. Romantic azure for flower bed and garden! An early flowering plant. Branched stem 15-25 cm high. Blue flowers are collected in a loose short inflorescence-curl. Blooms in May -..
Alpine Forget-Me-Not "White"
Alpine Forget-Me-Not "White". An irreplaceable perennial for the early spring decoration of flower beds! An early, flowering groundcover with a branched stem. It forms a compact dense bush 15-20 cm high, which in May is covered with a mas..
Alpine Forget-Me-Not (mix)
Alpine Forget-Me-Not (colour mix) - Myosotis alpestris. A perennial plant, 20-30 cm high, cultivated as a biennial. Blooms profusely in May-June. Numerous small flowers are white, carmine-pink and dark blue. Prefers semi-shady areas with mois..
Border carnation "Chabaud" (Divine flower, Clove pink) mix
Clove pink "Chabaud" (border carnation) - Dianthus caryophyllus schabaud. Sophistication in every flower! Great cut! A perennial herbaceous plant cultivated in our cool climate as an annual. The bushes are compact, up to 50 cm high. ..
Border carnation (Clove pink, mix)
Divine flower (colour mix) - Dianthus caryophyllus. A popular biennial herbaceous plant for amateur flower gardens, forms well-developed bushes 30-60 cm tall. The flowers are large: 6-8 cm in diameter, of various colours, with a delicate aroma. Blo..
Campanella "Lavender" F1 Campanula
Campanella "Lavender" F1 Campanula The Campanella series of bells have larger lavender flowers. Plants 20-25 cm high. Suitable for growing in pots. Flowering occurs a week later than other bells. The width of the bush is 20-23 cm. The pere..
Campanella "Pink" F1 Campanula
Campanella "Pink" F1 Campanula The Campanella series of bells have larger pink flowers. Plants 20-25 cm high. Suitable for growing in pots. Flowering occurs a week later than other bells. The width of the bush is 20-23 cm. The perennial i..
Canterbury bell "Cup and Saucers" (pink)
Canterbury bell "Cup and Saucers" (pink). This bellflower is beautiful in various flower arrangements and provides elegant material for cutting. The plant forms a pyramidal bush 80 cm high. Large pink flowers are collected in pyramidal in..
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucer" mix
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucer" mix. The bell is beautiful in a variety of flower arrangements and provides an exquisite cutting material. The plant forms a pyramidal bush 70-80 cm high. Large pink flowers are collected in pyramidal inf..
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucers" mix
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucers" (mix) - Campanula medium calycanthema. Bluebell is beautiful in various flower arrangements and makes an elegant cut material. The plant forms a bush of a pyramidal shape 70-80 cm high. Large pink f..
Canterbury Bells "Double mixed"
Canterbury Bells (mix) - Campanula medium calycanthema flora plena. A luxurious terry blend. Bluebell is beautiful in various flower arrangements and makes an elegant cut material. The plant forms a pyramidal bush 90-120 cm high. Large double ..
Carnation chabaud "Benigna"
Carnation chabaud "Benigna". Sophistication in every flower. A perennial plant grown as an annual in our cool climate. The bushes are inverse pyramidal, compact with a clearly defined main stem, 45-60 cm high. The flowers are large, 4&nd..
Centaury (Feverwort)
Feverwort (Centaury) - Centaurium erythraea Biennial. For the rockgarden. Medicinal plant. VII-X, Z5-9, 20 cm, pink. Centaury, Feverwort. Bot. syn.: Centaurium minus Moench, Centaurium umbellatum Gilib., Erythraea centaurium auct..
Chabaud clove pink "White" (divine flower)
Chabaud clove pink "White" - Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud. Plants 50 cm high, erect. The flowers are fragrant double, up to 6 cm in size. Up to 20 flowers are formed on one plant per season. Seeds in January-early February are..
China carnation "Holborn Glory"
China Carnation "Holborn Glory" (Sweet William). Unusually attractive variety during the flowering period. The plant is erect, with strong stems and lanceolate leaves. The flowers are velvety, purple-red, with a white circle, collect..
China сarnation "Fragrance mix"
Sweet William "Fragrance mix". An elegant and fragrant, terry mixture of two-year-old carnations! The plants are quite compact, about 70 cm high. The leaves have a gray-blue coating. Double flowers of a wide variety of colors and sha..
Clove pink "Grenadine Mixture"
Clove pink "Grenadin Mixture" - Dianthus caryophyllus var. grenadin. Homeland: presumably the Mediterranean. The plant is perennial. It has two widespread horticultural varieties, which are often considered separate species. Carnatio..
Common daisy "Pomponette mix" (bruisewort, lawndaisy)
Common daisy "Pomponette mix" (Lawndaisy) - Bellis perennis. Popular miniature daisies up to 15 cm high. Numerous inflorescences up to 2.5 cm in diameter with feather-like petals of various colors. Biennial. Sowing time: June, July...
Common daisy "Radar" (bruisewort)
English daisy "Radar". Biennial. An unpretentious and very winter-hardy plant from the Aster family up to 12 cm high. The rosette of leaves is compact. Inflorescences are unusually large (4-8 cm), graceful, "radiant", red in colo..
Coneflower bicolor
Bicolor cone-flower - Rudbeckia hirta. Unpretentious, abundantly flowering plant with large inflorescences-baskets. Stems are erect, branched, 60-80 cm high. Early flowering, abundant and long-lasting: from June to the very frost. Rudbeckia pr..
Daisy "Pomponette" (Bruisewort)
Common daisy "Pomponette" - Bellis perennis. Beautiful and profusely flowering spring plants! Plant height 15-20 cm. Inflorescences of spherical type, 3-4 cm in diameter. Surprisingly bright daisy with a thick bright scarlet cap on ..
Daisy flower "Grace" (bruisewort)
Common Daisy "Grace" - Bellis perennis. Biennial. Sowing time: June, July. Planting time: August. Planting method: seedlings. Plant height: 15-20 cm. Inflorescence diameter is about 4 cm (!). Distance between plants: 20 cm. Universal..
Daisy flower "Maria"
Daisy flower "Maria" (bruisewort). Biennial plant. Height 15-20 cm. Inflorescence diameter 6 cm. Daisy with thick double pink caps. Plants are compact, with a large number of strong, non-lodging peduncles. They are characterized by rapid ..
Daisy flower "Pomponette pink" (English daisy, bruisewort, meadow daisy)
Lawndaisy "Pomponette pink" (bruisewort, meadow daisy) - Bellis perennis. Large terry and compact! Perennial flowering plant, cultivated as biennial, up to 15-20 cm tall. The leaves are collected in a root rosette that develops in th..
Showing 1 to 25 of 59 (3 Pages)