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Comb-flower "White Swan".
An ornamental herb with large flowers, blooming almost all summer: from July to October. Forms a bush up to 100 cm high, inflorescences-baskets on a long strong peduncle. Reed flowers are white.
Eastern purple coneflower "Doubledecker" - Echinacea purpurea.
Frost-resistant, beautiful and elegant perennial!
Light-loving, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil. Baskets of medium fullness, intense color, with a convex core...
Comb-flower "Paradiso" (Sampson root) - Echinacea x hybrida.
This charming mixture will create a romantic mood in your garden!
Awarded the gold medal "Fleuro-Select" in 2012 for a breakthrough in breeding activities.
Fire thorn "Jarko-krasnaja" - Pyracantha coccinea = Mespilus pyracantha.
A perennial, evergreen shrub from the Rosaceae family.
Pyracantha is unpretentious and grows well in open ground in regions with a mild and moderate climat..
Plains eryngo "Blaukappe" (Sea Holly) - Eryngium planum.
An original, graceful and very delicately decorative perennial!
An upright perennial herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family, 60-70 cm high.
Origin: Central and South-Eastern Eur..
Sea Lavenders Statice "Sea Spray" - Goniolimon collinum.
Perennial for rock garden, good for fresh cut flowers.
Family: Plumbaginaceae.
Origin: Balkan Peninsula and Eastern Romania.
Distinguishing Features: Beautiful, light bluish-green..
Golden Sedge - Carex aurea.
A selected garden form, very effective and decorative, forming lush mounds 20-25 cm high from thin, hard, erect or arched leaves, bright yellow in spring and early summer, and later - chartreuse color.
Looks great near w..
Shaggy hawkweed - Hieracium villosum.
The most spectacular perennial hawk 15-35 cm high. It is densely covered with long lagging fibers, as if wrapped in a light transparent white cape. The stem is leafy and slightly branched. At the end of eac..
American cowslip "Deluxe" (Shooting-star mix) - Dodecatheon meadia.
Perennial for rock garden from the Primulaceae family.
Flower colour: white, pink, red, purple.
Natural flowering period: May - July.
Flowering plant height: 40 cm..
Shootingstar - Dodecatheon pulchellum.
Perennial for the rockgarden.
Plant height 25 cm.
The flowers are light pink, the stamens are yellow.
Climatic zones: Z3-Z7.
1,0 g = 2100 seeds.
Shootingstar. Bot. syn.: Dodecatheon pauciflorum hort., ..
Short's Sedge - Carex shortiana.
Perennial of the Cyperaceae family.
Flower color: brown spikelets.
Foliage: green.
Height of flowering plant: 50 cm.
Natural flowering period: May - July.
Soil requirements: moist, marshy.
Hardiness zones: ..
Siberian Garlic Chives "Broadleaf" - Allium nutans.
A storehouse of health and vitamins. A winter-hardy and productive variety that produces tender and juicy greens with a slightly spicy taste and a light garlic aroma!
An early-ripen..
Siberian Globe - Flower Trollius altaicus.
Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting. For the rockgarden. Flowering season: Mai-Juli.
Asian swimsuit (Trollius asiaticus) and Altai swimsuit (Trollius altaicus) have fiery orange flowers, height 30-80 cm, f..
Siberian ligularia - Ligularia sibirica.
Yellow blossom racemes.
The height of the flowering plant is 140 cm.
Flowering period: July-August.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z8.
Siberian Ligularia. Bot. syn.: Cineraria sibirica L., Ligularia lyd..
Siberian Statice - Statice gmelinii.
Vigorous perennial plant about 60-90 cm high. Lavender-blue flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 70 cm in diameter. Blooms in late summer - early autumn. The plant is very beautiful both alive and d..
Mosquito Grass (Side-Oats Grama Grass) - Bouteloua gracilis.
It grows on open dry plains, often on the barren soils of the North American continent, on which this species occupies vast areas.
Low grassy plant 20-40 cm tall with flowers ap..
Noble Rhubarb (Sikkim Rhubarb) - Rheum nobile.
Noble rhubarb is an inhabitant of rocky high mountain slopes, where even in summer it is cold and it often rains, and sometimes it rains with snow. Therefore, rhubarb has adapted to such weather.
Silky Phacelia - Phacelia sericea.
Perennial from the family Hydrophyllaceae.
Flowering plant height: 25 cm.
Natural flowering period: June - August.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z8.
Foliage: grey.
Soil requirements: average
Use: for roc..
Silver lime "Royal Gold" - Tilia tomentosa.
One of the most decorative and beautiful linden trees. A slender tree up to 25 m tall, with beautiful silvery foliage and a wide pyramidal crown.
The leaves are round, up to 12 cm in diamet..
Bird's Eye (Silver Speedwell) - Veronica incana.
Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family.
Homeland: steppes from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.
Special Characteristics: silver-gray foliage. The compact habit is ideal for growing in contain..
Silver Spike Grass - Achnatherum calamagrostis = Stipa calamogrostis is a Perennial herb from the Poaceae family, known by the common names spike grass, needle grass.
Origin: grows in clearings and screes in the mountains of central a..
Weather Thistle (Silver thistle) - Carlina acaulis ssp. simplex.
Origin: Southern and Eastern Europe.
Large, shiny white flowering blooms with silvery foliage.
History: The Genus comes from Charles (Carolus). According to medieval folklore, C..
Chinese senega-root (Slenderlobe Milkwort) - Paeonia tenuifolia.
Solitary, ornamental deciduous plants, good for cutting.
Flowering period: V-VI.
Flowering plant height: 50 cm.
Climatic zones of winter hardiness: Z5-9.
The leaves are p..
Slow-growing lawn grass mixture "Liliput".
Mow the lawn when it grows to 10-12 cm. The lawn mower blades must be sharp and the cutting height should not be less than 3-5 cm. Rake the clippings.
Soil preparation for a lawn is one of th..
Slow-growing lawn grass mixture "Liliput".
Газон медленнорастущий "Лилипут" (для ленивых).
Уникальный и неприхотливый, не требующий частой стрижки !
Aeglaselt kasvav murutaimede segu "Liliput" (laisale inimes..