Red Valerian "Pretty Betsy" (Bouncing bess, Bovisand soldier, Drunken sailor, Jupiter's Beard)
Red Valerian (Pretty Betsy, Jupiter's Beard, delicate bess, Fox's Brush) - Centranthus ruber var. coccineus. Family: Valerianaceae. Origin: Mediterranean, Europe, North Africa and Asia (rocky soil). Natural flowering period: May-..
Red-hot poker
Red-hot poker. The most original inflorescences for arrangement! An original, heat-loving perennial that forms a bush of grass-like leaves. Height up to 100 cm. Spectacular and dense inflorescences consisting of tubular flowers in warm colours wil..
Red-hot poker (mix)
Red-hot poker (mix) - (Tritoma uvaria, Kniphofia x hybrid). An exotic and spectacular perennial herb with a height of 60 to 100 cm, which any gardener can rightfully be proud of. Leaves are xiphoid, grayish-green, up to 50 cm long. The upper flower..
Redpod Stonecrop (Queen's Crown)
Queen's Crown (Redpod stonecrop) - Rhodiola rhodantha. Perennial from the family Crassulaceae. Origin: USA (Montana to Arizona and New Mexico) at an altitude of 2000-4000 m above sea level. Caudexes are thick, weakly branched. Flower..
Reflexed stonecrop "Tripmadam"
Stone Orpine "Tripmadam" (Reflexed stonecrop) - Sedum reflexum. Decorative throughout the growing season. Excellent honey plant. A plant with a creeping rhizome, forming a dense cover of rooting, ascending, strongly branche..
Roadside toadflax "Neon Lights"
Roadside toadflax "Neon Lights" - Linaria aeruginea. Family: Scrophulariaceae. Origin: Portugal and Spain. Special Features: brilliant range of colours and first year flowering. Colour: flowers resembling snapdragons with intr..
Rock bellflower
Bellflower - Campanula saxifraga. Flower colour: violet-blue. Foliage form: lanceolate. Natural flowering period: May - June. Flowering plant height: 10 cm. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z7. Perennial rock garden from the Campanulaceae family. ..
Rock Cress "Cascade Purple"
Aubrieta "Cascade Purple" - Aubrieta hybrida. Perennial herbaceous plant with creeping branched shoots, up to 10 cm high. Small oval leaves and purple-violet flowers 1 cm in diameter form a beautiful dense carpet. The plant prefers o..
Rock Cress "Little Treasure Deep Rose" (Arabis caucasica)
Rock Cress "Little Treasure Deep Rose" - Arabis caucasica. An unpretentious and frost-resistant perennial - an excellent decoration for a rocky garden. An evergreen plant that forms dense flower carpets, blooming in the first year (w..
Rock Cress "Red Cascade"
Rock Cress "Red Cascade" - Aubrieta Adans. Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Plants form beautiful glaucous cushions up to 15 cm high, wintering under the snow. The leaves are small, oblong-spatulate, with serrated edges. Flowers up to 1 c..
Rock Cress (mix)
Rock Cress (mix). An excellent strain almost smothered in flowers in rich purple shades. Excellent for a bold spring display. Suitable for rockeries, walls, borders, edging paths, planters, window boxes etc. Spread 30-38 cm. Hardy Herbaceous Peren..
Rock Jasmine
Rock Jasmine - Androsace carnea L. = Androsace laggeri A.Huet (ssp.) = Androsace rosea Jord. & Fourr. (ssp.). Perennial 5-15 cm tall, forms a loose cushion. The leaves are green, linear, sharp, 10-15 mm long. The flowers are pink or wh..
Rock madwort "Goldfield"
-Непонятно, какая высота растения.
-Непонятно, какая высота растения.
Rock madwort - Alyssum montanum. Carpeting perennial flowers. Grow to 15-20 cm height, stems trail along the ground, making clumps. Location: unpretentious, light-requiring and drought-resistant. Soil: prefer light, neutral or slightly alkaline, n..
Rock madwort "Goldfield"
Rock madwort - Alyssum montanum. Carpeting perennial flowers. Grow to 15-20 cm height, stems trail along the ground, making clumps. Location: unpretentious, light-requiring and drought-resistant. Soil: prefer light, neutral or slightly alkaline, n..
Rock soapwort
Tumbling Ted (Rock soapwort) - Saponaria ocymoides. Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers: Summer. Height: 6 inches. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Ground Cover, Rockery. Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy. Spreading rockery, or ..
Rock Soapwort "Snow Tip"
Basil Soap-Wort "Snow Tip" - Saponaria ocymoides. A lush, low-maintenance perennial plant. Soft cushions up to 25 cm tall, formed by long low-stemming shoots. Blooms very profusely from June to August. Winter-hardy. Family: Caryophy..
Rock soapwort (Tumbling Ted)
Tumbling Ted (Rock soapwort) - Saponaria ocymoides. Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers: Summer. Height: 6 inches. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Ground Cover, Rockery. Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy. Spreading rockery, or ..
Rock-rose (mix)
Common rockrose - Helianthemum nummularium mutabile. Гелиантемум переменчивый (Солнцецвет) — Нelianthemum mutabile Grosser. Сверкающее покрывало! Быстрорастущий, вечнозелёный многолетник, формирующий почвопокровные "подушки"..
Rockrose "Evergreen" (frostweed)
Rock rose "Evergreen" - Нelianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. (syn. Н. vulgare Gaertn.). Stems prostrate or ascending, strongly pubescent. The leaves are oval or oval-lanceolate, green above, grayish-felt below. Flowers up to ..
Rocky mountain beardtongue "Bandera"
Rocky mountain penstemon "Bandera" (Rocky mountain beardtongue) - Penstemon strictus Benth. Habroanthus = Penstemon strictiformis Rydb. (ssp.) Origin: Southwestern North America. One of the lightest penstemons in cultivation. Frost-..
Rose campion "Angel`s Blush"
Dusty miller "Angels Blush" (Rose campion) - Lychnis coronaria. Height 60-70 cm. A spectacular relative of the popular "dawn" with silvery pubescent foliage and large flowers of pale pink colour. It is used in landscaping the gar..
Rose rockcress "Red Sensation"
Rose rockcress "Rote Sensation" - Arabis blepharophylla Hook. & Arn. Its homeland is the mountains of California, where it grows at an altitude of 500 m. A perennial ground cover plant with a height of up to 20 cm and a bush..
Roseroot (arctic root)
Arctic root (Roseroot) - Rhodiola rosea. Perennial plant from the Crassulaceae family. Flower colour: yellow. Natural flowering period: May - June. Winter hardiness zones: Z1 - Z8. Flowering plant height: 25 cm. 1.0 g = 7400 seeds. ..
Rosy Sedge (Curly-styled Wood Sedge)
Curly-styled Wood Sedge (Rosy sedge) - Carex rosea. Perennial plant of the Cyperaceae family. Narrow and graceful spikelets with yellow-green colour. Natural flowering period: May - June. Height of flowering plant: 25 cm. Features: * pink-red s..
Royal Jacob's-ladder "Apricot Delight"
Salmon Jacob's ladder "Apricot Delight" - Polemonium carneum. For the rockgarden; winterprotection needed. V-VII, Z4-8, 40 cm. Yellowish-pink. Gram to per 1000 plants = 3,0 g. Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constamt moistur..
Showing 351 to 375 of 493 (20 Pages)