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Red Valerian (Pretty Betsy, Jupiter's Beard, delicate bess, Fox's Brush) - Centranthus ruber var. coccineus.
Family: Valerianaceae.
Origin: Mediterranean, Europe, North Africa and Asia (rocky soil).
Natural flowering period: May-..
Red-hot poker.
The most original inflorescences for arrangement!
An original, heat-loving perennial that forms a bush of grass-like leaves. Height up to 100 cm.
Spectacular and dense inflorescences consisting of tubular flowers in warm colours wil..
Red-hot poker (mix) - (Tritoma uvaria, Kniphofia x hybrid).
An exotic and spectacular perennial herb with a height of 60 to 100 cm, which any gardener can rightfully be proud of.
Leaves are xiphoid, grayish-green, up to 50 cm long. The upper flower..
Queen's Crown (Redpod stonecrop) - Rhodiola rhodantha.
Perennial from the family Crassulaceae.
Origin: USA (Montana to Arizona and New Mexico) at an altitude of 2000-4000 m above sea level. Caudexes are thick, weakly branched.
Stone Orpine "Tripmadam" (Reflexed stonecrop) - Sedum reflexum.
Decorative throughout the growing season. Excellent honey plant.
A plant with a creeping rhizome, forming a dense cover of rooting, ascending, strongly branche..
Roadside toadflax "Neon Lights" - Linaria aeruginea.
Family: Scrophulariaceae.
Origin: Portugal and Spain.
Special Features: brilliant range of colours and first year flowering.
Colour: flowers resembling snapdragons with intr..
Bellflower - Campanula saxifraga.
Flower colour: violet-blue.
Foliage form: lanceolate.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Flowering plant height: 10 cm.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z7.
Perennial rock garden from the Campanulaceae family.
Aubrieta "Cascade Purple" - Aubrieta hybrida.
Perennial herbaceous plant with creeping branched shoots, up to 10 cm high. Small oval leaves and purple-violet flowers 1 cm in diameter form a beautiful dense carpet.
The plant prefers o..
Rock Cress "Little Treasure Deep Rose" - Arabis caucasica.
An unpretentious and frost-resistant perennial - an excellent decoration for a rocky garden.
An evergreen plant that forms dense flower carpets, blooming in the first year (w..
Rock Cress "Red Cascade" - Aubrieta Adans.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial.
Plants form beautiful glaucous cushions up to 15 cm high, wintering under the snow. The leaves are small, oblong-spatulate, with serrated edges. Flowers up to 1 c..
Rock Cress (mix).
An excellent strain almost smothered in flowers in rich purple shades. Excellent for a bold spring display. Suitable for rockeries, walls, borders, edging paths, planters, window boxes etc.
Spread 30-38 cm.
Hardy Herbaceous Peren..
Rock Jasmine - Androsace carnea L. = Androsace laggeri A.Huet (ssp.) = Androsace rosea Jord. & Fourr. (ssp.).
Perennial 5-15 cm tall, forms a loose cushion. The leaves are green, linear, sharp, 10-15 mm long. The flowers are pink or wh..
Rock madwort - Alyssum montanum.
Carpeting perennial flowers. Grow to 15-20 cm height, stems trail along the ground, making clumps.
Location: unpretentious, light-requiring and drought-resistant.
Soil: prefer light, neutral or slightly alkaline, n..
Rock madwort - Alyssum montanum.
Carpeting perennial flowers. Grow to 15-20 cm height, stems trail along the ground, making clumps.
Location: unpretentious, light-requiring and drought-resistant.
Soil: prefer light, neutral or slightly alkaline, n..
Tumbling Ted (Rock soapwort) - Saponaria ocymoides.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial.
Flowers: Summer.
Height: 6 inches.
Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Ground Cover, Rockery.
Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy.
Spreading rockery, or ..
Basil Soap-Wort "Snow Tip" - Saponaria ocymoides.
A lush, low-maintenance perennial plant. Soft cushions up to 25 cm tall, formed by long low-stemming shoots.
Blooms very profusely from June to August. Winter-hardy.
Family: Caryophy..
Tumbling Ted (Rock soapwort) - Saponaria ocymoides.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial.
Flowers: Summer.
Height: 6 inches.
Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Ground Cover, Rockery.
Germination: Experience Useful. Aftercare: Easy.
Spreading rockery, or ..
Common rockrose - Helianthemum nummularium mutabile.
Гелиантемум переменчивый (Солнцецвет) — Нelianthemum mutabile Grosser.
Сверкающее покрывало!
Быстрорастущий, вечнозелёный многолетник, формирующий почвопокровные "подушки"..
Rock rose "Evergreen" - Нelianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. (syn. Н. vulgare Gaertn.).
Stems prostrate or ascending, strongly pubescent. The leaves are oval or oval-lanceolate, green above, grayish-felt below. Flowers up to ..
Rocky mountain penstemon "Bandera" (Rocky mountain beardtongue) - Penstemon strictus Benth. Habroanthus = Penstemon strictiformis Rydb. (ssp.)
Origin: Southwestern North America.
One of the lightest penstemons in cultivation.
Dusty miller "Angels Blush" (Rose campion) - Lychnis coronaria.
Height 60-70 cm. A spectacular relative of the popular "dawn" with silvery pubescent foliage and large flowers of pale pink colour. It is used in landscaping the gar..
Rose rockcress "Rote Sensation" - Arabis blepharophylla Hook. & Arn.
Its homeland is the mountains of California, where it grows at an altitude of 500 m.
A perennial ground cover plant with a height of up to 20 cm and a bush..
Arctic root (Roseroot) - Rhodiola rosea.
Perennial plant from the Crassulaceae family.
Flower colour: yellow.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Winter hardiness zones: Z1 - Z8.
Flowering plant height: 25 cm.
1.0 g = 7400 seeds.
Curly-styled Wood Sedge (Rosy sedge) - Carex rosea.
Perennial plant of the Cyperaceae family.
Narrow and graceful spikelets with yellow-green colour.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Height of flowering plant: 25 cm.
* pink-red s..
Salmon Jacob's ladder "Apricot Delight" - Polemonium carneum.
For the rockgarden; winterprotection needed.
V-VII, Z4-8, 40 cm.
Gram to per 1000 plants = 3,0 g.
Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constamt moistur..