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Small camas - Camassia quamash.
It grows in mountain meadows mainly in the taiga zone of western Canada and the USA. From British Columbia and Montana to Utah and California.
The bulb is broadly ovoid or spherical, 1-5 cm in diameter, black or brow..
Ornamental Yellow Onion - Allium flavum.
Perennial, reaching a height of 30 cm. Yellow flowers appear in June-July on stems covered with a bluish bloom.
Since the aerial part dies off after flowering, it is better to plant it with taller plant..
Smooth meadow grass "Balin" - Poa pratensis.
Perennial, rhizome, low grass. Used in mixtures for various lawns. Blue grass seeds must comprise about 10-30 per cent in the mix. Resistant to spring frost, poorly tolerate the shade.
Snow Carpet Marguerite (Golden chamomile, Snowy Marguerite) - Anthemis carpatica.
Miniature daisies - their simple beauty never gets boring!
Perennial for rock garden and rockery from the Asteraceae family.
Anthemis is the Greek name for chamomile..
Soapweed "Bouncing Betty" - Saponaria officinalis.
A medicinal, perennial, herbaceous plant, 30-90 cm high.
The stems are erect, the flowers are large, fragrant, white or pink on short peduncles, collected in paniculate corymbose inf..
"Milk Chocolate" - Digitalis parviflora.
Perennial herb from the Scrofulariaceae family.
Origin: Northern Spain.
Good potential for cutting, for winter bouquets of dried flowers.
Flower colour: brown-red.
Foliage: Belt-shaped, d..
Speedwell "Blue Feathers" - Veronica pinnata.
A very unusual perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family.
Distributed in Western and Eastern Siberia, Central Asia.
Grows on rocky, gravelly slopes, and steppe areas.
Special characteristic..
Speedwell "Blue Shades".
An unpretentious perennial with a pleasant sweet aroma!
A perennial plant that forms compact, spreading bushes up to 60 cm tall.
The plant is unpretentious, however, flowering stops in hot and dry summers. This i..
Speedwell porphyriana - Veronica porphyriana.
Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family.
Flowering plant height: 30 cm.
Flower colour: bright blue-violet.
Foliage: rich dark green.
Natural flowering period: July - September.
Winter hardiness z..
Spiked loosestrife "Red Hybrids" - Lythrum salicaria.
Great plant for shady places!
Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting.
Flowering season: Juni-September.
Winter hardiness zone: Z3-Z9.
Height: 100 cm. Blooms continually...
Spiked speedwell "Alba" - Veronica spicata.
Perennial from the family: Scrophulariaceae.
Origin: Europe, East and Central Asia (meadows, rocky steppes).
Flower color: pure white.
Natural flowering period: July - September.
Foliage: Obl..
Spotted bellflower "Rubriflora" - Campanula punctata.
Captivating with its natural charm, touching and tender bell - the plant is fragile, but without it it is difficult to imagine a modern flower garden. At the very peak of..
Spotted Hawkweed "Leopard" - Hieracium maculatum (spilophaeum).
A perennial from the Asteraceae family with intriguing bluish-green foliage flecked with reddish-brown.
Dark green, variegated-spotted leaves are collected in a basal ro..
Spreading bellflower - Campanula patula.
Perennial plant with 40 cm high bell-shaped inflorescences.
Spring vetch (Spring pea) - Lathyrus vernus.
Rare and protected plant. Height 20-30 cm.
The leaf is first light green, then dark green, shiny. Inflorescences with 3-8 flowers, bicolor, from carmine to lilac and blue-violet, attract butter..
Yellow pheasant's eye - Adonis vernalis.
A wonderful gift from Spring!
Perennial for the rockgarden. Medicinal plant.
Family: Ranunculaceae.
Origin: Europe, Altai Mountains, Siberia Special.
Features: large yellow flowers to 8..
Spring sandwort (Sabulina, Moss sandwort, Vernal stitchwort) - Minuartia verna.
A super-hardy plant - this Arctic guest will beautifully fit into compositions with stones.
Perennial from the family Caryophyllaceae for rock garden.
Flower colour: w..
Spring Vetchling "Rosenelfe" - Lathyrus vernus.
For the rockgarden.
Natural flowering period: April-Mai.
Winter hardiness zone: Z3-Z7.
Height: 25 cm.
Colour: light pink.
Spring Vetchling, Spring Pea. Bot. syn...
Trumpet gentian "Blue Velvet" (Stemless gentian) - Gentiana acaulis = Gentiana kochiana.
Groundcover, evergreen perennial of the Gentianaceae family.
Origin: Southern European mountainous regions, the Alps, northeastern Spain and western ..
Stemless inula - Inula rhizocephala.
The highlight of any rock garden.
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Radiant inflorescences, sessile, collected in a basal rosette.
Flower colour: yellow.
Natural flowering period: June - July.
Flowering ..
Sticky catchfly "Alba schnee" - Lychnis viscaria alba.
An unpretentious perennial from the Caryophyllaceae family, 50 cm high. Blooms from the end of May for 45-50 days.
Flowers are pure white, collected in large inflorescences.
Prefers ..
Sticky сatchfly "Red Ball" - Lychnis viscaria ssp. atropurpurea.
An unpretentious perennial from the Caryophyllaceae family, 30 cm high.
The delicate petals of the star-shaped flowers, slightly wavy at the edges, will not stop s..
Sticky Catchfly "Feuer" (Rosett) - Lychnis viscaria splendens.
Perennial of the Caryophyllaceae family.
Short, strong stems with bright fiery red flowers.
Height of flowering plant 50 cm.
In a cool summer climate, it grows well in a sun..
Wand Bloom "Blue Buckle" (Stiff Beard-Tongue) - Penstemon virgatus.
Family: Scrofulariaceae.
Origin: Western North America.
Features: many species of Penstemon are known to be difficult to grow outside of their natural habitat. But ..
Stock-rose (Mallow).
Drought tolerant!
Perennial. Height 150-200 cm. Flower diameter 6 cm.
A majestic, slender plant with very large, almost black flowers, collected in giant inflorescences - elongated brushes.
The stock rose is one of the talles..