Mossy Saxifrage (mix of colours)
Mossy Saxifrage (mix of colours) - Saxifraga x arendsii. Thick carpet for rocky slides! An ornamental, evergreen plant that forms dense thickets of small rosettes of leaves strewn with many flowers on thin pedicels. Height up to 15 cm. Blooms..
Moth mullein "White Blush"
Moth mullein "White Blush" - Verbascum blattaria f. albiflorum. Delicate aroma! Height up to 100 cm. Inflorescence diameter up to 4 cm. A gift from the assortment of flowerbed plants - a powerful, unpretentious perennial with an ele..
Mountain arnica (Leopard's bane, Mountain tobacco)
Mountain arnica (Wolf's bane) - Arnica montana. A very beautiful plant: in early spring, when its bright yellow flowers bloom, it attracts the attention of any traveler and nature lover... Compositae - Asteraceae (Compositae). Natural flo..
Mountain avens eightpetal
Eightpetal mountain avens - Dryas octopetala. A wonderful, easy-to-grow alpine plant for cool summer climates. A good ground cover perennial for rock garden from the Rosaceae family. Origin: Mountains of Europe and western North America. Nat..
Mountain cornflower "Blue"
Mountain cornflower "Blue" - Centaurea montana. Its homeland is the mountains of Western Europe, where it is found in large quantities in the alpine meadows of the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Balkans. Mountain cornflower has a long, obliqu..
Mountain kidney vetch "Rubra"
Mountain kidney vetch "Rubra" - Anthyllis montana. Perennial for rock garden. Family: Papilionaceae. Origin: Mediterranean, Alps. Flowering plant height: 10 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Good honey plant. Winter ha..
Mountain sandwort "Snowwhite"
 Mountain sandwort "Snowwhite" - Arenaria montana. Groundcover perennial from the Caryophyllaceae family. Origin: European Alps. Flowering plant height: 10 cm. Foliage: grey-green. Natural flowering period: May - August. Flo..
Mouse Ear Gypsophila (Pixie Splash)
Mouse Ear Gypsophila (Pixie Splash) - Gypsophila cerastioides (Acanthophyllum) Ground cover perennial for rock garden and small containers. Family: Caryophyllaceae. Homeland - the Himalayas (grows at an altitude of 2000-5000 m). Flowering plant h..
Mouse garlic
Mouse garlic - Allium angulosum. Cold-resistant, moisture-loving, resistant to disease. Perennial from the Alliaceae family. Origin: Mediterranean region, Southern Alps, Balkans, Western Asia. The inflorescence is small, hemispherical. Infloresce..
Mullein "Southern Charm" (mix)
Mullein "Southern Charm" (mix of colours) - Verbascum x hybrida. A gift for an assortment of flower beds is a powerful and unpretentious perennial with an elegant racemose inflorescence and a noticeable delicate aroma. Lush bloom is ensur..
Mullein "White"
Mullein - Verbascum nigrum var. album. Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family. Distinctive features: slightly branched. Stems 40-110 cm tall, erect, simple, sometimes branched above, sparsely covered with branched hairs. Flowers on long stalks..
Mullein (mix)
Mullein (mix) - Verbascum sp. It grows in the European part of Russia, in the south of Western Siberia, in Central Europe, Northwest China. Perennial or biennial plant up to 100 cm tall. The flowers are purple, of various shades, collected in ..
Naples garlic (Daffodil Garlic, White Garlic)
Daffodil Garlic (Naples garlic, White garlic) - Allium neapolitanum. Perennial from the Alliaceae family. Origin: Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Despite its ease of cultivation and care, it has high decorative propert..
Narrow-leaved purple coneflower (Blacksamson echinacea)
Narrow-leaved purple coneflower - Echinacea angustifolia. Officinal (medicinal) plant, honey-bee food plants. Flowering season: Juni-Oktober. Winter hardiness zone: Z3-Z8. Height: 50 cm. Echinacea angustifolia flowers are pink to red, petals sho..
Needlegrass "Mexican Feather Grass"
Needlegrass "Mexican Feather Grass" - Stipa tenuissima. Decorative in the first year! Evergreen, fast-growing cereal perennial, forming dense turf in the shape of a beautiful tail. Graceful, green, silky, thread-like stems sway at th..
Nepal Cinquefoil "Shogran"
Nepal cinquefoil "Shogran" - Potentilla nepalensis. Perennial from the family Rosaceae for rock garden or container growing. Origin: Himalayas in Pakistan. Dwarf, compact growing variety. This variety is named after the mountain in Paki..
Nettle-leaved Bellflower "Flore pleno" mix
Throatwort (Nettle-leaved bellflower) - Campanula trachelium var. flore pleno. A valuable find for amateur gardening and cutting. Perennial from the Campanulaceae family. Origin: selection of the species (the main species naturally grows in E..
New Zealand Daisy
New Zealand Daisy - Celmisia sessiliflora. Cushion perennial for rock garden. Family: Asteraceae. Origin: New Zealand. Flower color: white. Foliage: grey-green. Natural flowering period: June - September. Flowering plant height: 10 cm. Soil R..
New Zealand Dock "Twister" (Maori Dock, Runa, Bronze sorrel)
Bronze sorrel "Twister" (Maori Dock, Runa) - Rumex flexuosus. A unique perennial accent plant for mixed containers and natural landscape design. It has edible lanceolate leaves with a lemon-sour taste, suitable for seasoning man..
Nodding pink onion (lady's leek)
Lady's leek (Nodding pink onion) - Allium cernuum. Long-lasting garden perennial with graceful drooping inflorescences. Origin: North America and northern Mexico. Drought tolerant. Winter hardiness zones: Z4 - Z9. Flower colour: pale pink. F..
Nodding Sage
Nodding sage - Salvia nutans. A perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family with drooping racemes of inflorescences. Height of flowering plant: 100 cm. Flower colour: bright violet-blue. Natural flowering period: June - September. Winter hardin..
Northern white-cedar "Candy Stripe"
Swamp Cedar "Candy Stripe" - Thuja occidentalis. Description: contains 5 species growing in North America and East Asia. Monoecious, evergreen trees or shrubs with a dense crown. Reproduce by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds ripen in the fa..
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart "Alba"
Common Bleedinghearts "Alba" - Dicentra spectabilis. An unusually elegant perennial plant from the Papaveraceae family, forming a sprawling openwork bush up to 80 cm high. Origin: Siberia, China and Korea. Unusual "br..
Onondaga Sargent Viburnum
Onondaga Sargent Viburnum - Viburnum sargentii. Outwardly similar to Kalina ordinary, but much more decorative. Spreading shrub 2-3 m high, especially beautiful when blooming young bronze-red leaves, during flowering (late May) and fruiting (ea..
Orange Daisy
Orange Daisy - Erigeron aurantiacus. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Homeland: Central Asia, northwestern regions of China. In culture since 1879. Flower colour: orange-copper. Inflorescence diameter: 6-8 cm. Flowering plant height: ..
Showing 276 to 300 of 493 (20 Pages)