Stonecrop "Pink Beacon"
Stonecrop "Pink Beacon" - Sedum ussuriense Komarov = Hylotelephium ussuriense (Kom.). Ornamental foliage plant, for the rockgarden. Family: Crassulaceae. Natural flowering period: July-October. Winter hardiness zones: Z4-Z9. Heigh..
Stonecrop (wall pepper mix)
Wall pepper (Stonecrop mix). Plant height 5-25 cm. Winter-hardy sedum, one of the most "tenacious" carpet perennials. Does not require shelter for the winter, feels good without watering and fertilizing on the poorest soils. Forms low dens..
Strawberry foxglove "Summer King" (Merton's foxglove)
Merton's foxglove "Summer King" - Digitalis x mertonensis. Perennial herb from the Scrofulariaceae family. Flower colour: raspberry-pink. Natural flowering period: May - June. Height with flowers: 80 cm. Soil requirements: dry..
Swamp milkweed "Carmin-Rose" (Swamp Silkweed, White Indian Hemp)
Swamp Silkweed "Cinderella" - Asclepias incarnata L. = Asclepias tuberosa. A wonderful plant for lovers of rare species! A tall perennial plant from the Asclepiadaceae family. The flowers are red or pink-purple with a pleasant ..
Swamp milkweed "Cinderella"
Swamp Silkweed "Cinderella" - Asclepias incarnata L. = Asclepias tuberosa. A wonderful plant for lovers of rare species! The bush is about 100 cm high. The leaves are large, oblong and arranged oppositely. Pink-purple flowers ar..
Sweet vernal grass
Sweet vernal grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum L. A unique ornamental grass that looks exotic due to the attractive shape of the plants. A perennial, low-growing plant (height 30-50 cm) with hollow, erect, smooth, sparsely leafed stems. Natural h..
Tarda Tulip (Late tulip)
Tulipa tarda. An excellent plant for a rock garden. Perennial from the Liliaceae family. Endemic from the Tien Shan. The flowers are star-shaped, golden yellow, with creamy white tips. The bright colors contrast with the dark green foliage. Flow..
Tennessee purple coneflower "Rocky Top Hybrids"
Tennessee purple coneflower "Rocky Top Hybrids" - Echinacea tennesseensis. Long-flowering perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Southeastern United States. Well adapted to the soil and climatic conditions. Flower colou..
Threadleaf giant hyssop "Apache Sunset" (Rock Anise Hyssop)
Sunset Hyssop "Apache Sunset" - Agastache rupestris. Subtle, exotic aroma! It occurs naturally from southeastern New Mexico to south-central Arizona. Upright perennial 45-90 cm tall and 45 cm bush diameter. The leaves are linear-lan..
Thrift seapink
Sea thrift - Armeria maritima. It grows wildly along the sea coasts of Northwestern Europe and North America. Zones: 3-9. A perennial cushion-shaped plant 15-20 cm tall and 15 cm across, with narrow, linear, flat, obtuse blue-green leaves. T..
Thrift seapink "Carmine pink"
Sea thrift "Carmine pink" - Armeria maritima. Original spherical inflorescences beautifully rise above rosettes of leaves! The plant is about 20 cm high. The leaves are narrow, linear, silver-green, collected in a rosette. Flowers in capi..
Thurber's Cinquefoil "Monarch's Velvet"
Thurber's cinquefoil "Monarch's Velvet" - Potentilla thurberi. Luxurious perennial plant with a magnificent flowering that will be remembered forever: large neat flowers have a wine-red hue and a rich dark colour in the middle..
Tickweed "Golden Globe" (Pot of Gold)
Largeflower tickseed "Golden Globe" - Coreopsis grandiflora. Perennial ornamental plant from the Astrov family, 35-45 cm high. Blooms from July to September. Inflorescences are large (6-8 cm in diameter), terry, and bright yellow. Ph..
Troad Lily (Toad Lily)
Toad Lily (Troad Lily) - Tricyrtis latifolia. Perennial from the Convallariaceae family. Flower color: golden yellow with brown spots. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Natural flowering period: June - July. Winter hardiness zones: Z4 - Z8.&nb..
True English Primrose "Romio" F1 (mix) Primula acaulis
True English Primrose "Romio" F1 (mix) - Primula acaulis. Perennial. Plants are compact, 10-12 cm high and 12-15 cm in diameter, with a neat rosette of leaves and large flowers, 2-3 cm in diameter.  An ideal variety for growing in po..
True lavender "Pink Perfume"
English lavender "Pink Perfume" (True lavender). Perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Height of flowering plant: 35 cm. Flower colour: light pink. Natural flowering period: June - September. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z9. Soil r..
True monkshood "Blue" (Aconit, Venus' chariot, Turk's-cap, soldier's-cap)
Venus' chariot (Turk's-cap, soldier's-cap, garden wolfsbane, helmet-flower) - Aconitum napellus. Perennial growing to 1.3 m. It is hardy to zone 6 and is not frost tender. It is in leaf from February to October, in flower from..
Trumpet Gentian
Trumpet Gentian - Gentiana dinarica. For the rockgarden. V-VI, Z5-8, 10 cm. Dark blue. Trumpet Gentian. Gentiana dinarica, Ciminalis dinarica (Beck) Holub. ..
Tuberous Jerusalem sage "Bronze Flamingo"
Tuberous Jerusalem sage "Bronze Flamingo" - Phlomis tuberosa. Hardy perennial from Lamiaceae family. Height: 100 cm. Flower colour: violet. Natural flowering season: Juni-Juli. Winter hardiness zone: Z5-Z9. Height with Flowers: 100 cm..
Tufted Hair-grass "Goldschleier" (Tussock grass)
Tussock grass "Goldschleier" (Tufted Hair-grass) - Deschampsia caespitosa. Family: Poaceae, Gramineae. Origin: Europe, Asia and North America. Special Features: Brilliant silver-green, followed by golden-brown flower spikes, co..
Turkish Pelargonium
Turkish Pelargonium - Pelargonium endlicherianum. Perennial from the family: Geraniaceae. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z7 – Z9.Shelter for the winter is necessary. Soi..
Tworow stonecrop "Voodoo"
Tworow stonecrop "Voodoo" - Sedum spurium. Plant with decorative leaves and flowers for rock garden. Flowering plant height: 5 cm. Neon pink flowers, dark red foliage, round habit, variable. Flowering period: VII-IX. Winter hardiness z..
Uruguayan Pampas Grass"Rose & Silver" (duo mix)
Uruguayan Pampas Grass"Rose & Silver" (duo mix) - Cortaderia selloana. An exceptionally ornamental, perennial, evergreen herb. Under good growing conditions, it reaches a height of 2-3 m, monumentally rises above the rest of the ..
Ussurian pear (Manchurian pear, Harbin pear)
Manchurian pear (Ussurian pear, Siberian pear tree) - Pyrus ussuriensis. An ornamental tree with edible fruits. An adult plant is 10-15 m tall, with a dense, wide crown in the shape of a pyramid and a dark, almost black trunk. The leaves are ov..
Viper's bugloss
Viper's bugloss - Echium russicum. Family: Boraginaceae. Origin: Europe and Western Asia. Color: dark red flowering panicles, similar to thick pipe brushes. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness: Z6. Growth type: vertica..
Showing 426 to 450 of 493 (20 Pages)