Orange hawkweed (devil's paintbrush, grim-the-collier)
Orange hawkweed (king devil, orange paint-brush) - Hieracium aurantiacum L. Family: Asteraceae. Origin: Europe. Special Features: bright orange-red daisies. Colour: orange-red. Natural Flowering Period: June - August. Winter Hardiness Zone..
Orange hummingbird mint "Apricot Sprite" (jewel of the Sierra Madre, orange giant hyssop, licorice mint)
Orange giant hyssop "Apricot Sprite" - Agastache aurantiaca. Perennial. Height 45 cm. The plant grows beautifully, forming lush curtains, completely covered with numerous orange flowers, collected in long inflorescences, which s..
Orange Stonecrop "Caramel" (Kamchatka Sedum)
Kamchatka sedum "Caramel" (Orange Stonecrop) - Sedum kamtschaticum. Decorative all summer long! Groundcover perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family for a rock garden. Good honey plant. Height of flowering plant: 15 cm. ..
Orchid Lily "Dazzler" (Candy lily, Butterfly iris)
Candy Lily "Dazzler" (Orchid Lily) - Pardancanda norrisii. Family: Iridaceae. Origin: a result of a crossing Belamcanda chinensis x Pardanthopsis dichotoma. Special features: remarkable dwarf strain with multi-branched flower stems ..
Ornamental Burnet (Bottlebrush)
Ornamental Burnet - Sanguisorba menziesii. The ornamental Burnet or Bottlebrush are just beginning to be used here in North American gardens. This Alaskan native is ideal for the middle of a sunny border, or in containers. Plants form a low mound of..
Oxlip (Candelabra hybrids) color mix
Oxlip (Primrose Candelabra hybrids) color mix. Care: they do not require much care. The soil should always be moist, loose and free of weeds. In the spring, primroses are very demanding on moisture, but cannot stand stagnant water. After flowering, ..
Oxlip (Candelabra hybrids) color mix
Oxlip (Candelabra hybrids) color mix. Care: they do not require much care. The soil should always be moist, loose and free of weeds. In the spring, primroses are very demanding on moisture, but cannot stand stagnant water. After flowering, if possib..
Oxlip (mix)
Oxlip (colour mix) - Рrimula elatior. Johan Laurentz Jensen  (1829). ..
Oyster plant (Bearsfoot)
OYSTER PLANT - Acanthus mollis var. vicioso. Perennial, 80 cm tall, original flowers. Grown as a garden accent, inflorescence remains ornamental even after blooming. Seeds are large, prior to sowing seeds should be soaked in water for 24 hours to ..
Oysterleaf "Silver Ocean"
Oysterleaf "Silver Ocean" - Mertensia maritima subsp. asiatica. Family: Boraginaceae. Decorative deciduous perennial. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z7. A prostrate and squat perennial herbaceous..
Painted Daisy "Indian mix"
Painted Daisy "Indian mix" - Chrysanthemum indicum L. Grown in greenhouses, bloom in late autumn or early winter. There are about 150 species of annuals, perennials and semi-shrubs, differing in height, leaf shape, and flower si..
Painted Lily "Kiba Giants" (Iris norrisii, Candy Lily)
Iris norrisii "Kiba Giants" (Candy Lily, Butterfly Iris) - Pardancanda norrisii. Perennial from the Iridaceae family. Flower colour: yellow, red and purple. The diameter of the flower is about 8 cm. The height of the ..
Pale сoneflower "Hula Dancer"
Pale сoneflower "Hula Dancer" - Echinacea pallida. Family: Compositae. Origin: Central USA. Distinctive features: sharply curved, very narrow white petals with a pink tint. Colour: white with a pink tint. Natural flowering period: July..
Palm Sedge (Muskingum Sedge, Muskrat Sedge)
Palm Sedge (Muskrat Sedge, Muskingum Sedge) - Carex muskingumensis. Perennial from the Cyperaceae family. Homeland: North America, Great Lakes. Rarely found in Europe. The foliage, located in tufts at the ends of erect shoots 30-120 cm high, creat..
Pampas grass "Pampas plume"
Silver pampas grass "Pampas plume". An exceptionally ornamental, perennial, evergreen herb. Under good growing conditions, it reaches a height of 2-3 m, towering monumentally above the rest of the plants in the garden. The leaves are mos..
Pampas grass "Feather Pink"
Uruguayan Pampas Grass "Pink pampas plume" - Cortaderia selloana. Extremely decorative, perennial, evergreen cereal plant. Perrenial, impressively tall ornamental grass. Under favourable growing conditions, can reach height of 4..
Pasque flower "Papageno" mix (Anemone pulsatilla)
European pasque flower "Papageno" mix - Pulsatilla vulgaris. A worthy inhabitant of the rock garden. Physical Characteristics: Perennial growing to 0.2m by 0.3m. It is hardy to zone 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flo..
Pasque flower "Pearl Bells"
Pasque flower "Pearl Bells" - Pulsatilla vulgaris. Valuable inhabitant of the rock garden. Winter-hardy, early flowering plant, up to 20 cm high. Large bell-shaped flowers up to 6 cm in diameter of pink colour. After flowering, it retains..
Pasque flower "Rote Glocke"
Pasque flower "Rote Glocke" - Pulsatilla vulgaris. Early spring perennial from the family Ranunculaceae. Flowering plant height: 30 cm. Flower colour: bright red. Natural flowering period: March - April. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 &nda..
Peach-Leaf Bellflower​​​​​​​ (mix)
Peach-Leaved Bellflower (mix) - Campanula persicifolia. A delightfully beautiful herald of summer! A hardy perennial plant. A slender, strong stem 60-100 cm high rises from a rosette of basal leaves in the middle of summer. The leaves are..
Peach-Leaved Bellflower (dwarf form) (willow bell, peachbells, harebell)
Harebell (dwarf form) - Campanula persicifolia var. planiflora. It is beautiful in various flower arrangements and makes an elegant material for cutting. A dwarf form of Campanula persicifolia with dense, erect peduncles and a dense leathery r..
Penstemon confertus
Penstemon confertus Semi-evergreen graceful clump perennial up to 40 cm high and up to 30 cm in diameter. Winter-hardy. In early summer, tubular ones bloom. creamy yellow flowers in spiky inflorescences. Likes fertile and well-drained soil. Propagat..
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmeus
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmeus. Perennial rock garden from the Scrophulariaceae family. Flower colour: light purple. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z8 Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Soil Requirements: dry..
Peony "Ganshu Mudan" (Rockii hybrids)
Peony "Ganshu Mudan" (Rockii hybrids). Perennial. Solitary plant. Family: Paeoniaceae. Special Features: fragrant. Height with Flowers: 120 cm Colour of flowers: white to pink with purple center. Natural Flowering Perio..
Persian Buttercup "Dolina fioletovaja" F1" (crowfoot)
Persian Buttercup "Blooming Valley Purple" F1 (from the Japanese company "Sakata") - Ranunculus asiatica. A dwarf perennial plant only 20-25 cm high, which is ideal for growing in pots or for creating bright flowering f..
Showing 301 to 325 of 493 (20 Pages)