Persian Stonecress
Persian Stonecress - Aethionema grandiflorum= Aethionema sintenisii. Honey-bee food plants. For the rockgarden. Flowering pot plant. VI-VII, Z5-8, 20 cm. Pink.   Origin: Iran, Iraq, Caucasus. Special Features: Low spreading bushy p..
Plains eryngo "White Glitter" (flat sea holly)
Flat sea holly "White Glitter" (plains eryngo) - Eryngium planum. Garden and winter bouquet decoration. Perennial plant of the Apiaceae family. Height of flowering plant: 80 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 2-3 cm. Flower col..
Plumed Thistle
Plumed Thistle - Cirsium echinocephalum = Lamyra echinocephala. Decorative and deciduous perennial for rock garden from the Asteraceae family. Flower colour: red-violet. Foliage: marbled. Flowering plant height: 20-40 cm. Baskets of inflore..
Polyantha rose "Sadovy Aromat"
Polyantha Rose "Garden Aroma" - Rosa polyantha. A delightful variety of mini bush created specifically for growing from seeds for amateur gardeners. A compact plant 20-30 cm high. Small, dark green leaves. During the flowering period from..
Poscharsky's bellflower (Rampant bellflower)
Rampant Bellflower (Poscharsky's bellflower). Pozharsky's bell is a perennial wild-growing ground cover plant 15-20 cm high with large, serrated basal leaves rounded at the edges. It has a mass of star-shaped lavender-colored flowers, up to ..
Prairie coneflower "Mexican Hat"
Prairie coneflower "Mexican Hat" - Ratibida columnifera. First year flowering, flowers or seedcapsules for cutting. For the rockgarden. Red-brown flowers with yellow tips, dwarf habit. Family: Asteraceae, Compositae. Com..
Primrose "Colossea" (Oxlip mix)
Primrose "Colossea" (mixture of colours) - Primula veris var. elatior L.            Oliver Clare. ..
Primrose "Primlet Yellow" Primula acaulis
Primrose "Primlet Yellow" - Primula acaulis. Blooming Season: Early Spring. Mounded Spacing: 13 - 23 cm. Height: 13 - 15 cm. Width: 13 - 18 cm. Flower diameter: 4-5 cm. Exposure: Partial Sun. An exciting novelty addition to gift pl..
Primrose dwarf "Rosanna Mix" F1
Dwarf primrose "Rosanna Mix" F1 - Primula acaulis. Cute primroses with unusual double and semi-double flowers. A herbaceous perennial plant, one of the earliest flowering, belongs to the Primulaceae family. Forms a compact and very even b..
Prophet-flower - Arnebia pulchra. It grows in the mountains of the Caucasus and Western Asia at an altitude of 1500-3000 m above sea level.  Perennial 15-20 cm tall, forms neat cushions up to 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are green, sligh..
Prostrate speedwell "Nestor" (harebell speedwell)
Prostrate speedwell "Nestor" - Veronica prostrata. Ground cover perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family. Flower colour: light blue, rarely pink Natural flowering period: May - June. Height with flowers: 15 cm. Winter hardiness zones..
Purple coneflower
Sampson root Purple. Perennial herb 60-100 cm high. Stems are simple, branching at the top. Flower baskets are large, with a three-row wrap of lanceolate leaves. Blooms in July-August. Flower baskets (harvested in July-August) and rhizomes with root..
Purple coneflower (Sampson root)
Eastern purple coneflower (Sampson root) - Rudbeckia purpurea (Echinacea purpurea). Beauty and medicine in the garden! Perennial herbaceous plant 60-90 cm high. Inflorescence diameter 10-12 cm. Stems are simple, branching at the top. Flow..
Purple Giant Hyssop "Korean Mint" (Blue Licorice, Indian Mint, Patchouli Herb)
Blue licorice "Korean Mint" - Agastache rugosa Officinal (medicinal) plant. Juli-September. Winter hardiness zone: Z5-Z9. Height: 50 cm. Korean Mint, deep violet-blue, narrow blossom panicles, dark stems, compact, bushy habit, culinar..
Purple Love Grass
Purple Love Grass - Eragrostis spectabilis. For the rockgarden. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting. Flowering period: VIII-X. Winter hardiness zone: Z5-10. Heigh: 50 cm. Brilliant purple-red flower racemes, dense compact clumps, ..
Purple milkweed
Purple Milkweed - Asclepias purpurascens. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting, honey-bee food plants. Flowering season: Mai-August. Winter hardiness zone: Z3-Z8. Height: 80 cm. Brilliant purple-pink, dense, spherical umbels. Purple Milkweed..
Purple Mullein "Roman Candles" (mixed)
Purple Mullein "Roman Candles" - Verbascum phoeniceum. An unpretentious perennial that blooms in the first year. Inflorescence colour: purple, red, pink, white. Flowering plant height: 90 cm. Flowering period: V-VIII. Winter ..
Purple prairie clover "Stephanie"
Purple prairie clover "Stephanie" - Dalea purpurea. Vibrant lavender-purple rock garden perennial from the Fabaceae family. Natural flowering period: June-August. Height: 40 cm. Climatic zones of winter hardiness: Z4-Z8. An abunda..
Pyrenean eryngo (Mediterannean sea holly)
Pyrenean eryngo - Eryngium bourgatii. Location: prefer open sunny places with well-drained soils. Soil: any soil is suitable for planting. Under each plant, 1-2 handfuls of lime (ground eggshell) should be added, which will contribute to a more int..
Quaking-grass (Dodder-grass, Pearl Grass)
Dithering-grass (Cow-quake Tottergrass, Quaking-grass) - Briza media. Forms surprisingly dynamic compositions in the foreground in mixed plantings, rocky hills and mixborders. Thanks to rounded trembling spikelets, it looks great in dry bouque..
Ragged Robin "Nana" (Cuckoo Flower)
Cuckoo Flower (Ragged Robin) - Silene flos-cuculi = Coronaria flos-cuculi. Homeland: most of Europe. Family: Caryophyllaceae. Herbaceous perennial up to 75 cm tall. Forms large groups. In summer, loose clusters of pink flowers form ..
Prof Pack
Red clover "Rozeta"
Red clover "Rozeta" - Trifolium pratense L. Elite meadow clover of this variety is characterized by winter hardiness and high disease resistance. It is intended for creation of playgrounds, lawns, turfing of slopes. It is an excellen..
Red Hot Poker (Torch Lily)
Torch Lily (Red Hot Poker) - Kniphofia caulescens. Family: Asphodelaceae. Homeland: South Africa: wet mountain meadows, marshy areas. decorative deciduous solo plant with dense flower panicles on thick stems. The foliage is blue-green, similar to..
Red lobelia (Cardinal flower)
Red lobelia (Cardinal flower) - Lobelia cardinalis. Exquisite flower colour! Perennial from the Campanulaceae family. Origin: North America (Virginia). Flower colour: bright red. Foliage: Glossy green. Natural flowering period: July - October. ..
Red valerian "Crimson Night" (Pretty betsy, Bouncing bess, Jupiter's beard)
Red valerian "Crimson Night" - Centranthus ruber var. coccineus = Valeriana coccinea. A unique, interesting perennial, characterized by abundant and long flowering. Long flowering and cold hardy. In addition to sunny flower beds..
Showing 326 to 350 of 493 (20 Pages)