Creeping babysbreath "mix"
Creeping babysbreath "mix". Name: from the Greek words "gypsos" - gypsum and "philos" - friend, translated from Latin: "loving lime". Many species of this genus grow on limestone. Homeland: mountains of Centr..
Creeping bellflower (rampion bellflower)
Rampion bellflower (creeping bellflower) - Campanula rapunculoides. An upright perennial from the Campanulaceae family. Origin: Europe. Flower colour: purple-blue. Natural flowering period: June - September. Flowering plant height: 100 cm. Usag..
Crested dog's-tail
Dogs grass (Crested dog's-tail). Perennial, compact grass plant. Grown in naturalistic, wild flower gardens. Perfectly complements brightly coloured flowers. Suitable for planting on the edges of flower gardens, on steep slopes of the flower ga..
Crown Vetch
Trailing Crownvetch - Coronilla varia. Perennial. Height 40 cm. An unpretentious ground cover perennial with creeping shoots branching at the base, reaching a length of up to 100 cm.  Already in the year of sowing, it forms a dense elega..
Cupid's Dart "Amor White"
Cupid's Dart "Amor White" - Catananche caerulea. Original dried flower. Blooms in the first year. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Southwestern Europe. In folk medicine, this plant was used by the Greeks as an aphrodisi..
Cushion spurge "Painted leaf"
Cushion spurge (Painted leaf) - Euphorbia polychroma. Perennial. Plant height 40-70 cm. Flower diameter up to 3-5 cm. Extravagant flowering, expressive form and various combinations with other plants - this is Euphorbia, a magnificent i..
Cut-leaf anemone "Rubra"
Hudson's anemone (cut-leaf anemone) "Rubra" - Anemone multifida. Luxurious plant with a delicate aroma! A very rare winter-hardy perennial about 25 cm high with ruby flowers up to 3 cm in diameter and beautiful carved foliage. Blooms ..
Daisy-chrysanthemum "White dance"
Shasta daisy-chrysanthemum "White dance" - Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Early blooming! A perennial plant, which is popularly called "chamomile". Plant height 80-120 cm. Inflorescences are large (6 cm in diameter) with wide..
Dark Purple Knapweed
Dark Purple Knapweed - Centaurea atropurpurea. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Central Balkans, Romania. Flower colour: red to dark purple. Natural flowering period: June - August. Flowering plant height: 120 cm. Distance between ..
Davall's Sedge
Davall's Sedge - Carex davalliana. An evergreen perennial from the Cyperaceae family. Height: 25-30 cm. Flower colour: bronze-brown. Inflorescences are single cylindrical spikelets (staminate or pistillate, since the plant is dioecious). Natu..
Deadly nightshade (devil's cherries, naughty man's cherries, divale, black cherry, dwale)
Black cherry (dwale, deadly nightshade) - Atropa belladonna. Perennial with decorative fruits and medicinal properties. Warning: the plant is poisonous! Family: Solanaceae. Origin: from Europe to the Caucasus: forests. Distinguishing featur..
Dense blazingstar (button snakeroot)
Button snakeroot (Colic-root, Dense gayfeather) - Liatris spicata. Stems simple 60-100 cm tall. Narrow leaves, collected in a rosette, fall like a fountain. The flowers are red-violet, collected in spike-shaped inflorescence up to 35-40 cm long. B..
Dotted loosestrife "Golden Yellow"
Dotted loosestrife "Golden Yellow" - Lysimachia punctata. In nature, it is found in the humid forests of Central and Western Europe. This is a herbaceous perennial 50-60 cm high. It has a light brown, long rhizome, 0.3-0.5 cm thick. ..
Drumstick primrose (mix)
Drumstick primrose (mix) - Primula denticulata.​​​​​​​ This plant will give you a unique feeling of delight when, among the awakening, almost devoid of colours garden, wonderful bright flowers and fresh green leaves suddenly appear! Homel..
Dwarf Blazing Star "Kobold Strain" (Dwarf Spike Gayfeather)
Dwarf Spike Gayfeather "Kobold Strain" (Dwarf Blazing Star) - Liatris spicata. Homeland - southeastern regions of North America. The plant is perennial, rhizomatous, herbaceous. Stems are simple, up to 50 cm tall, heavily leafy. Leav..
Dwarf Blue Hair Grass
Dwarf Blue Hair Grass - Koeleria minima = Koeleria pygmaea. Perennial plant of the Poaceae family. Grey-blue hummocks with short narrow leaves and straw-yellow spikelets. Height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: May - July. Hardiness zones: Z4 -..
Dwarf catnip (catmint)
Persian catnip (catmint) - Nepeta mussinii. Fragrant! Plant height 30 cm. Long-blooming, fragrant perennial. It grows in one place for 5-6 years, winters well. Unpretentious, practically not susceptible to disease. It grows rapidly in the fir..
Dwarf Formosa Lily
Dwarf Formosa Lily - Lilium formosanum var. pricei. Perennial from the Liliaceae family. Distinctive features: large funnel-shaped flowers, good winter hardiness, often blooms in the first year from sowing. Flowering plant height: 30 cm. Flower c..
Dwarf lady's mantle
Dwarf lady's mantle - Alchemilla erythropoda. There are plants that do not shine with ceremonial beauty, do not bloom in lush colour and are completely unsuitable for ordinary bouquets. But at the same time, unusually loved and revered ... In t..
Dwarf statice
Dwarf statice - Goniolimon speciosum. Perennial for rock garden, good for cutting. Family: Plumbaginaceae. Flower color: pink. Natural flowering period: July - August. Flowering plant height: 30 cm. Growth pattern: rosette-forming. Soil Requir..
Eastern Blazing Star "Alba" (White Spires)
Eastern Blazing Star "Alba" (White Spires) - Liatris scariosa. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Natural flowering period: July - September. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z8. Flowering plant height: 90 cm. Plants of this species hav..
Eastern purple coneflower "Magnus Superior" (Sampson root, comb-flower, Echinacea purpurea)
Comb-flower "Magnus Superior" (Black sampson) - Rudbeckia purpurea. Family: Asteraceae (Compositae). Origin: North America: Ohio and Michigan south to Georgia, west to Oklahoma and northeast Texas. Special Features: 2010 J..
Eastern sowbread "Silver Leaf Pink"
Eastern sowbread "Silver Leaf Pink" - Cyclamen coum. Family: Primulaceae. Origin: Eastern Europe to the Caucasus Mountains to Israel and Iran. Special Features: dainty winter blossoms and magnificent foliage. Colour: carmine-rose to whi..
Elecampane "Devjat Sil" (Horse-heal)
Elecampane "Nine Forces" - Inula helenium. Perennial medicinal and ornamental plant. Forms bushes up to 2.5 m high with many inflorescences-baskets 7-8 cm in diameter. The plants are winter-hardy, drought-resistant, grow slowly, and ..
Eleuthero ginseng "Aesculapius" (Siberian ginseng)
Siberian ginseng "Aesculapius" (Eleuthero ginseng) - Eleutherococcus senticosus. A winter-hardy, low-branched shrub 2-2.5 m (up to 4-5 m) high. Young shoots are yellow, densely covered with thin thorns, slightly directed downward..
Showing 126 to 150 of 493 (20 Pages)