English lavender "Hidcote Superior"
True lavender "Hidcote Superior" - Lavandula angustifolia. Homeland: Southern Europe. A perennial subshrub with a woody fibrous root reaching two meters in length and numerous shoots up to 60 cm high. The leaves are opposite, dense, sess..
European pasqueflower "Alba"
White pasque flower "Alba" - Pulsatilla vulgaris. Perennial of the Ranunculaceae family. Special characteristics: large inflorescences, reliable flowering in early spring, drought resistance. Height of flowering plant: 30 cm. Folia..
Evening Primrose "Orchid Pink"
Evening primrose "Orchid Pink" - Oenotera speciosa. Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Soft, shell-pink blooms which fade to white in the centre and are veined in a deeper pink. Bright yellow/green throats, free flowering, opening during th..
Missouri bigfruit evening-primrose. Энотера миссурийская - Оenothera missouriensis Sims. Яркие цветы для букетов и сада ! Родина: юг центральной части Северной Америки. Многолетнее травянистое растение. Стебли приподнимающиеся, 30-..
Evening-primrose "Sprays of Champagne" (mix)
Evening-primrose "Sprays of Champagne" (sp. mix). Bright flowers for bouquets and garden! Location: winter and drought resistant. Grow well in sunny places. In the shade, their flowers are open during the day. Soil: light, well-drained, ..
Fallow Perennial Flowers (mix)
Flowering meadow in a box: add wildflowers to your surroundings with this FALLOW PERENNIAL FLOWERS mix. The flowering meadow can be sown on slopes and hard-to-reach places on the plot with less action to create a sense of countryside. Meadow height..
False dragonhead "White" (Lionshearts)
Obedient plant "White" (Lionshearts) - Physostegia virginiana Benth. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting, first year flowering. VII-IX, Z4-9, 75 cm. Intense white. Family: Lamiaceae, Labiatae  Origin: North Americ..
False sunflower "Bleeding Hearts" (Ox-Eye)
Ox-Eye "Bleeding Hearts" (False sunflower) - Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. An excellent honey plant and cut plant for a bouquet. Decorative deciduous perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: North America,..
False sunflower "Burning Hearts" (Ox-Eye)
False sunflower "Burning Hearts" - Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. Family: Asteraceae. Origin: North America, Southern Canada. Perennial with strong stems, reddish leaves and showy golden yellow flowers with an orange-red central di..
False sunflower "Summer Sun" (Ox-Eye, Sunflower Heliopsis)
Ox-Eye "Summer Sun" (Sunflower Heliopsis) - Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: North America, Southern Canada. An excellent honey plant and cut flower for a bouquet. Na..
Feather grass "Pony Tails" (Esparto grass, needlegrass)
Needlegrass "Pony Tails" (Feather grass) - Stipa tenuissima. Fluffy wave: graceful silky thread-like stems sway with the slightest breath of wind... Decorative grass. Magnificent dried flower. Plant up to 40-60 cm tall, which fo..
Filigree beard tongue (pineneedle beardtongue)
Pineneedle beardtongue (Pineleaf Beardtougue, Filigree beard tongue) - Penstemon pinifolius. Evergreen perennial from the family Scrophulariaceae for the rock garden. Homeland - the states New Mexico and Arizona. Flowering plant height: 20 cm..
Fingerleaf Rodgersia "New hybrids"
Fingerleaf Rodgersia "New hybrids" - Rogersia henrici. Frost-resistant perennial from the Saxifragaceae family. Very decorative, has proven itself both in single plantings and in group compositions. Flower colours: white, from ..
Fleabane "Blue Shades"
Fleabane "Blue Shades" - Erigeron speciosus. Colour: light violet with yellow centre. Height: 70 cm. Inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 3-5 cm. Location: sun. Soil: light & nutritious, not too moist. Flowering time: ..
Fleabane "Rosa Juwel"
Fleabane daisy "Pink Juwel" - Erigeron speciosus. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Flower color: lilac-pink. Height with flowers: 70 cm. Flower diameter: 5 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 &..
Fleabane (Desert Yellow Daisy)
Yellow Fleabane - Erigeron linearis. For the rock garden. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Flower colour: golden yellow. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: May - June. Soil requirements: dry, well-drained. Winter har..
Foxglove Beardtongue "Husker Red Superior Strain" (Talus Slope Penstemon, Firecracker)
Firecracker "Husker Red Superior Strain" (Foxglove Beardtongue) - Penstemon digitalis. Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family. Origin: hybrid. Features: White, tubular-shaped flowers surround sturdy stems. 98% of plants have att..
Foxtail Lily "Erfo hybrids" (Desert Candle)
Desert Candle "Erfo hybrids" (Foxtail Lily) - Eremurus x isabellinus. Ornamental perennial for solo and cut. Family: Asphodelaceae. An early flowering mixture of whites, pinks, yellows and oranges. Flowering plant height:..
French lavender "Fragrant Butterfly" (Spanish or Italian lavender)
French lavender "Fragrant Butterfly" - Lavandula stoechas = Lavandula latifolia. Incredibly beautiful flowers! The flowers contain a fragrant essential oil. Perennial shrub with numerous shoots up to 90 cm high. Leaves are ..
French lavender "Little Bee" (Spanish or Italian lavender)
French lavender "Fragrant Butterfly" (Topped lavender) - Lavandula stoechas = Lavandula latifolia. Incredibly beautiful flowers! The flowers contain a fragrant essential oil. Perennial shrub with numerous shoots up to 90 cm..
Frostweed (white rock rose)
White rock rose (frostweed) - Нelianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill. For the rockgarden.  V-VII, Z5-9, 25 cm. Rock rose, white felt-like foliage, white blossom racemes, unpretentious. Homeland - western and southwestern ..
Garden gloxinia
Garden gloxinia - Incarvillea delavayi. Unpretentious and frost-resistant perennial. An exceptionally beautiful plant with attractive feathery foliage. Plant height 40-60 cm. Large pink flowers are similar to gloxinia flowers, collected in a loose..
Garden Speedwell "Blue Shades"
Garden Speedwell "Blue Shades" - Veronica longifolia. Few plants cause so few problems and are so widespread as Veronica. You cannot do without it when creating modern flower arrangements. It will take a worthy place on a rocky hill and i..
Garden violet "Purple velvet" (sweet-scented violet)
Sweet violet "Purple velvet" - Viola odorata. A perennial herb with an excellent gentle scent. Does not require special care and is unpretentious. Fragrant violet is used as an ornamental plant for flower beds, flower beds, borders a..
Geneva Bugleweed (Upright Bugle)
Upright Bugle (Geneva Bugleweed) - Ajuga genevensis. An evergreen perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: from Central and Southern Europe to the Caucasus (dry pastures, forest margins). Similar to Ajuga reptans, but without above-ground shoo..
Showing 151 to 175 of 487 (20 Pages)