Greater Wild Thyme (Field Thyme)
Field Thyme - Thymus pulegioides. Medicinal perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Places of natural growth: meadows, dry slopes of Europe. A prostrate semi-shrub 7-25 cm tall. Especially good during flowering. Its pink-lilac flowers are collected i..
Green Stonecrop (Oregon Stonecrop)
Oregon Stonecrop (Green Stonecrop) - Sedum oreganum. Low-growing, cushion-shaped perennial for rock garden from the Crassulaceae family. Homeland: comes from the northwestern United States, from areas with cool and humid summers, where it grow..
Gypsophila Baby's breath
Gypsophila Baby's breath - Gypsophila paniculata. Perennial. Bushes are spherical. During the flowering period, they reach a height of 50-120 cm. Gypsophila paniculata, used for arranging live and dry bouquets, is known to all flower lover..
Hardy Gloxinia
Hardy gloxinia - Incarvillea mairei (grandiflora var. brevipes). Homeland: Northwestern China. It blooms very impressively in May-June. The height of the flowering plant is 40 cm. The leaves are only basal, long-petiolate, lyre-shaped, weakl..
Hare's Ear "Bronze beauty"
Hare's Ear "Bronze beauty" - Bupleurum longifolium. Perennial from the Apiaceae family. Natural distribution areas: deciduous forests, rocky areas from Europe to Siberia. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Flower color: yellow, tur..
Harlequin Flag Iris "Kermesina"
Varied-color iris "Kermesina" (dagger flower, dragon flower, flag lily, flower de luce) - Iris versicolor. Perennial from the Iris family (Iridaceae). An easy-to-grow variety for damp areas in the garden. Flower colour: red-vio..
Heart-leaf bergenia "New Winterflowering Hybrids" (Elephants Ears, Siberian tea)
Elephants Ears "New Winterflowering Hybrids" (Siberian tea, heart-leaf bergenia) - Bergenia cordifolia. Decorative until late autumn! Perennial from the family Saxifragaceae. Flowering plant height: 45 cm. Color of inflorescen..
Heartleaf bergenia "Winterglow" (Pig squeak, Elephant's ears)
Pig squeak "Winterglow" (Elephant ears) - Bergenia cordifolia. A perennial plant from the Saxifragaceae family with heart-shaped, dark green leaves up to 30 cm long and 20 cm wide, slightly wavy at the edges. The flowers ar..
Heath Pearlwort "Surprise" (​​​​​​​Irish Moss Pearlwort)
Irish Moss Pearlwort "Surprise" (Heath Pearlwort) - Sagina subulata. A perennial plant that forms dense, small, evergreen cushions about 8 cm high, resembling green moss. Sagina has branched, creeping stems covered with small leaves. It b..
Heliopsis "Yellow"
Heliopsis "Yellow" - Heliopsis scabra. The plant is perennial. Stems erect, branched, up to 120 cm tall, noticeably woody. Baskets 6-7 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are golden yellow, tubular flowers are yellow. The location prefers sunny, ..
Hoary verbena (Hoary vervain, Tall vervain, Woolly verbena)
Woolly verbena (Hoary verbena) - Verbena stricta. A perennial from the Verbenaceae family with lush greyish-green foliage and whimsical purple-lavender flowers. The plant is usually visibly pubescent. The leaves are sessile, oval, with a serra..
Hollyhock "Multicolor" (mix)
Garden hollyhock "Multicolor" (mix) - Alcea rosea ficifolia.     ..
Hosta (mix)
Plaintain lily (mix). "Queen of shadow". Perennial. Plant height 30-50 cm. A long-lived ornamental leaf plant with a wide range of leaf colours - from blue to almost yellow, often with a contrasting border, enlivens any corner of the gar..
Houseleek "Kamenisty Sad" (mix)
Houseleek "Kamenisty Sad" mix - Sempervivum sp. A fantastic invention of nature that is not afraid of frost and drought! Beautiful rosettes of fleshy leaves are spherical or slightly flattened, up to 20 cm in diameter and about 8 cm ..
Hyacinth-flower clematis (shrubby clematis)
Shrubby clematis - Clematis heracleifolia. Flower colour: indigo blue. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. Natural flowering period: August - September.  Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z7. 1.0 g = 400-450 seeds. Eng.: Shrubby clematis, bus..
Hyssop "Albus"
Hyssop "Albus" - Hyssopus officinalis. Perennial semi-shrub of spicy-aromatic group. It is valued for its pleasant intense aroma, high decorativeness, medicinal, melliferous and food qualities. The variety is early ripe, from the moment ..
Indian Grass (Yellow Indiangrass)
Yellow Indiangrass - Sorghastrum nutans. Perennial grass plant from the Poaceae family with copper-gold coloring of inflorescences. Distributed in prairie, dry slopes, open areas throughout North America. One of the most beautiful and cha..
Indigo Blue Dragonhead "Blue Moon"
Indigo Blue Dragonhead "Blue Moon" - Dracocephalum ruyschiana. Family: Lamiaceae. Distributed in Eastern Europe, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and the Far East.The rhizome is short and thick. Leaves are 1-6 cm long, 1-8 mm wide. Thi..
Italian bugloss "Feltham Pride Strain"
Italian alkanet "Feltham Pride Strain" (Italian bugloss) - Anchusa azurea. Real gentian blue color of inflorescences! Compact growth with good habit. Short-lived perennial with moderate self-seeding. Looks good in natural style gard..
Ivory bells (white bellflower)
White bellflower (ivory bells) - Campanula alliariifolia. Vigorous, long-flowering and very beautiful perennial from the Campanulaceae family. Origin: Caucasus and Asia Minor (among rocks in coniferous forests, in open bushes on steep slopes of riv..
Jacob's Ladder "Purple Rain Strain"
Jacob's Ladder "Purple Rain Strain" - Polemonium yezoense. Perennial from the Polemoniaceae family. Origin: Northern Japan, Hokkaido (open rain forests, roadsides in the mountains). Features: very attractive red-purple feat..
Japanese Anemone "Rose Beauty"
Japanese Anemone "Rose Beauty"- Anemone hupehensis. Family: Ranunculaceae. Origin: Central China. Distinctive features: beautiful flowers from white to pink. Natural flowering period: August - October. Flowering plant height: 70 cm. G..
Japanese Quince (Maule's Quince)
Japanese Quince - Chaenomeles japonica. A densely foliated shrub about 3 m high, with a dense crown up to 3 m. Young leaves have a bronze color, and adult leaves become dark green. The flowers are large, 5 cm in diameter, scarlet-red, collecte..
Japanese silver apricot "Relikt" (Maidenhair tree, Ginkgo, Fossil tree)
Maidenhair tree "Relikt" (Japanese silver apricot, Fossil tree) - Ginkgo biloba. This legendary plant is a "living fossil", more ancient than conifers. None of the modern gymnosperms have such decorative leave..
Joe Pye weed "Atropurpureum" (Queen of the Meadow, Spotted Joepyeweed)
Spotted Joepyeweed "Atropurpureum" (Queen of the Meadow) - Eupatorium maculatum. Ornamental solo perennial for damp places from the family: Asteraceae. Origin: Eastern USA. Wide corymbs of wine-red flowers on tall red stems, su..
Showing 201 to 225 of 493 (20 Pages)