Joe's Flower "Peggy" (Carnation of Jove)
Carnation of Jove "Peggy" (Joe's Flower) - Lychnis flos-jovis nana. The new lychnis can become the highlight of any flowerbed if you plant several specimens in the foreground. The graceful stems bear lovely star-shaped flowers fi..
Kamchatka goatsbeard
Kamchatka goats beard - Aruncus dioicus var. kamtschaticus. Natural flowering period: June - July. Growth habit: compact. Flowering plant height: 90 cm. Good honey plant. Good for cutting. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z9. In nature, it is wid..
Keeled garlic
Keeled garlic - Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum. A small floral parasol firework display with delicate violet twinkling stars. Perfect for dried flower arrangements. Perennial. Family: Alliaceae. Natural flowering period: July - August. Flower c..
Keeled garlic white
White keeled garlic - Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum f. album. A small floral firework display with delicate white twinkling stars arranged in mini umbrellas. Perfect for dried flower arrangements. Perennial. Family: Alliaceae. Natural flowering..
Kidney vetch "Antiseptik"
Kidney Vetch "Antiseptik" - Anthyllis vulneraria. Растение семейства бобовых (они же мотыльковые), род представлен около 20 видами однолетних и многолетних почвопокровных трав и кустарников. В диком виде язвенник обыкновенный произраста..
Korean Bellflower "Flore pleno mix" (semi-double)
Semi-double Korean bellflower "Flore pleno mix" - Campanula takesimana. Perennial from the Campanulaceae family. Flower colour: purple-pink (pink to white). Natural flowering period: May - July. Blooms in the second year from ..
Korean cherry "Divnaja" (Downy cherry, Manchu cherry)
Korean cherry "Divnaja" (Manchu cherry) - Сerasus tomentosa (Thunb.) Wall. = Prunus tomentosa. Winter-hardy and unpretentious! Thanks to its early and abundant flowering, beautiful and tasty fruits, felt cherry is of undoubted i..
Korean goatsbeard dwarf "Noble spirit"
Dwarf goats Beard "Noble spirit" - Aruncus aethusifolius. Perennial from the Rosaceae family. Origin: South Korea. Flowering plant height: 30 cm. Distinctive features: beautiful feathery foliage. Flowers with partially red stems. ..
Lady's Mantle
Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla mollis. Decorative foliage and delightful inflorescences. Few plants require so little care and are therefore widely distributed. Groundcover perennial, reaching 45-50 cm in height during flowering, strewn with amazi..
Largeflower tickseed "Early Sunrise"
Largeflower tickweed "Early sunrise". Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers: Summer. Height: 18 inches. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Cut Flower. Germination: Easy. Aftercare: Easy. An AAS and Fleuroselect gold medal winner. This means t..
Larkspur "New Zealand Giant Pink"
Larkspur "New Zealand Giant Pink" - Delphinium x cultorum. Exceptional decorative qualities, winter hardiness, durability and unpretentiousness. Plants are tall, more than 2 m, with powerful and strong peduncles that need support. U..
Larkspur "New Zealand Giant Ultraviolet"
Larkspur "New Zealand Giant Ultraviolet". A magnificent perennial delphinium from the world-famous series of New Zealand hybrids. It will become the pearl of the garden not only for amateurs, but also for collectors: imposing, lushly flowe..
Lavender "Munstead Strain"
English lavender "Munstead Strain". Excellent spicy aroma. Resistant to diseases and pests. Blooms in the first year! Perennial evergreen shrub for dry sunny places. One of the best spicy and aromatic crops. It has a tart taste with..
Leafy Leopard's Bane (North American arnica)
North American arnica (Leafy Leopard's Bane) - Arnica chamissonis. Asteraceae (Compositae). Reproduction: by seeds and cuttings of rhizomes. It is better to grow through seedlings. Seeds germinate at 20 degrees, if seedlings do not appear withi..
Leavenworth eryngo "Purple Sheen"
Leavenworth eryngo "Purple Sheen" - Eryngium leavenworthii. An interesting and unusual perennial. Family: Apiaceae, Umbelliferae. Origin: south-central USA. Distinguishing Features: An annual species with exotic purple flowers, red-viol..
Ledge Stonecrop (King's Crown, Roseroot)
King's Crown (Ledge Stonecrop, Roseroot) - Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. atropurpurea. A perennial from the Crassulaceae family with edible foliage and roots rich in vitamins. Origin: Western USA and Canada. Subalpine or alpine species, resistant..
Leopard plant "Golden ray" (Golden Groundsel, Summer Ragwort)
Golden groundsel (Golden ray, Summer ragwort) - Ligularia przewalskii (Maxim.) Diels. An elegant combination of distinct palmate leaves and dark, erect flowering stems dotted with yellow candelabra inflorescences. Perennial from the Asteraceae fami..
Lesser calamint "Blue Cloud Strain" (Nepitella)
Lesser calamint "Blue Cloud Strain" (Nepitella) - Calamintha nepeta. Groundcover perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: alpine steppes and rocky meadows from Southern Europe to Iran. A very valuable plant with a long flowering peri..
Lesser calamint "White Cloud Strain" (Nepitella)
Lesser calamint "White Cloud Strain" (Nepitella) - Calamintha nepeta. Blooms in the year of sowing. A perennial spicy-aromatic plant related to mint. Homeland: alpine steppes and rocky meadows from Southern Europe to Iran. A long-f..
Lewisia longipetala "Little Peach"
Lewisia longipetala "Little Peach" hybr. - Levisia longipetala. It has a very limited distribution in the northern part of the Sierra Nevada at an altitude of about 2600 m. This species comes into growth later than all other varietie..
Lily of Nepal
Lily of Nepal - Lilium nepalense. Perennial from the Liliaceae family. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Flower colour: greenish-yellow with a purple throat. Natural flowering period: July - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z6 - Z10. Use: lush..
Little Blue Stem "Prairie Blues"
Little Blue Stem "Prairie Blues" - Andropogon scoparius. Decorative deciduous perennial from the Poaceae family. Origin: North America and Northern Mexico. Exquisite blue-grey stems with reddish-orange fall colour. Silvery fluffy seed he..
Little bluestem "Blaze"
Little bluestem "Blaze" - Andropogon scoparius. Flowers for cutting, ornamental foliage plant. Natural flowering season: August-October.  Winter hardiness zone: Z3-Z9.  Height: 100 cm.  Silvery stems, sturdy selecti..
Little Bluestem (Blue-Stem Grass)
Blue-Stem Grass - Andropogon scoparius (Schizachyrium). Perennial from the Poaceae family. Changeable and beautiful fall colours for natural landscaping. Origin: eastern North America (prairies, grasslands). Flowering plant height: 120 cm. Dista..
Littleleaf bush penstemon (Penstemon scouleri)
Penstemon scouleri. Native to the Mountains of southeastern British Columbia, northeastern Washington, and northern Idaho. Perennial evergreen semi-shrub plant with shoots 15-30 cm long and a "cushion" diameter of up to 30 cm. In spring a..
Showing 226 to 250 of 493 (20 Pages)