Winter bouquet
A mixture of herbs for dry bouquets
A mixture of herbs for dry bouquets Annual plants 30-130 cm high with decorative inflorescences are used for dry bouquets and various compositions. Sowing seeds in March - May directly into the ground. At a temperature of 20-22 °, germination o..
Adlay millet "Job's Tears"
Adlay millet "Tear" (Job's tears) - Coix lacryma-jobi. This is an unusual annual plant 50-60 cm high with rigid stems, suitable for growing in high flower beds to create floristic groups. In summer, the plants form drooping paniculate..
Alpine sea holly "Blue Star"
Alpine sea holly "Blue Star" - Eryngium alpinum. Origin: alpine meadows of Europe. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness: Z4 - Z9. Growth habit: strong, erect. Foliage: shiny, heart-s..
Alpine sea holly "Superbum"
Alpine sea holly "Superbum" - Eryngium alpinum. An excellent flower for cutting. Flowering period: VI-VIII. Winter hardiness zones: Z4-9. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. 1.0 g = 200 seeds. ..
Amaranth "Perfecta" (Joseph's coat)
Amaranth "Perfecta" - Amaranthus gangeticus. Bright decorative leafy annual! A pretty multi-coloured bush about 50-70 cm high. Leaves are elongated-ovate, tricolour: a spectacular plant for real aesthetes. Recommended for single and..
Amaranth "Pygmy Torch" (Red cockscomb)
Purple Amaranth "Pygmy Torch". Low and showy plants! Quite a rare variety with spectacular pyramidal inflorescences. The plant forms a densely leafy bush. The leaves are rough, green with burgundy veins. Erect dark purple inflorescences,..
Amaranth (original mixture of species and colors)
Joseph's coat - Amaranth (original mixture of species and colors). Nicely bright decorative deciduous plant! Leaves are elongated-ovoid, tricolor: green-claret, red-yellow, orange-yellow. Recommended for single and group plantings on the lawn, ..
American Basket flower (mix)
American Basket flower (colour mix) - Centaurea americana. A real giant among cornflowers with a strong, slightly branched stem, reaching 120 cm in height. Inflorescences up to 7.5 cm in diameter, spherical. Blooms in July-August. Used f..
Ammobium (Winged Everlasting)
Winged Everlasting - Ammobium alatum. Wonderful dried flowers for winter bouquets! An annual plant with a height of 50-70 cm, gives numerous peduncles from a basal rosette. Small yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences - baskets up to 2 cm i..
Big quacing grass
Big quacing grass - Briza maxima. Winter annual, strongly branching from the base, 40-60 cm high, large spikelets in panicle, 1-2.5 cm long. It reaches its greatest decorative effect in full sun. Location: all shakers are unpretentious, cold-r..
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" (Bladder ketmia, Bladder weed, Modesty, Puarangi, Shoofly)
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" - Hibiscus trionum. An annual herbaceous plant with a strong branched stem (up to 70 cm) and original trifoliate leaves from the Malvaceae family. In the northern regions, it is grown through seedlings (sow..
Blood amaranth "Autumn palette" (Princes feather, Red shank, Sudan-spinach)
Blood amaranth "Autumn palette" - Amaranthus paniculatus. An annual plant with powerful erect stems up to 120 cm tall. The leaves are green, oblong-ovate with an elongated apex. The flowers are collected in beautiful orange-red, spi..
Blue eryngo (flat sea holly)
Blue eryngo (Sea Holly) - Eryngium planum. A perennial growing to 1.0 - 1.2 m. It is hardy to zone 4. It is in flower from July to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, flies and ..
Blue-Stem Grass "Aldous"
Little bluestem "Aldous" - Andropogon scoparius. An unpretentious ornamental foliage plant with silvery stems. Height: 120 cm. Natural flowering period: July-October. Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z9. 1.0 g = 750 seeds. Location: grows..
Bracted strawflower "Bunter Bikini" mix
Bracted strawflower "Bunter Bikini" mix. Magnificent undersized dried flower. This plant has earned its popularity among many dried flowers thanks to large, terry, spectacular inflorescences that retain colour throughout the winter. The ..
Bracted strawflower "Double mix"
Paper-flower "Double mix" - Helichrysum bracteatum. A wonderful dried flower for creating a winter bouquet! Plant height 100-110 cm. Inflorescence diameter up to 5 cm. Light-loving, cold-resistant and flowering plant. Stem erect..
Bracted strawflower "Pink Crown" (paper-flower)
Paper-flower "Pink Crown". A magnificent dried flower, indispensable for winter bouquets! Annual. Brilliant large flowers. A slightly sprawling bush reaches a height of 100 cm. Each plant has about 25 silver-pink inflorescences 6-8 cm in ..
Bracted strawflower "Schsjogol" (mix)
Paper-flower "Schsjogol" (mix). Looks good in both flowerbeds and vases. Will cheer up interior of any apartment. To get everlasting bouquets, plants with half-open flowers are being dried in a dark place. Blooming from July to Septe..
Bracted strawflower "Swiss Giant" (Everlasting Flower)
Paper-flower "Swiss Giant" (Bracted strawflower) - Helichrysum bracteatum. A magnificent dried flower, indispensable for winter bouquets. Annual. Brilliant large flowers. The slightly spreading bush reaches a height of 90 cm. E..
Bracted strawflower "Tom Thumb" (paper daisy)
Bracted strawflower "Tom Thumb" (mix). Herbaceous plant 45-50 cm high. Stems erect, branched. The leaves are dark green, narrow. The flowers are double, 4-6 cm in diameter, of various colors: white, pink, yellow, orange, red. Reed flowers ..
Bracted strawflower "White" (paper-flower, everlasting)
Everlasting "White". Great dry flower! Brilliant glossy large inflorescences on a spreading bush reaching a height of 100 cm. About 25 silver-white inflorescences 6-8 cm in diameter are formed on each plant. On the edge of the infl..
Bracted strawflower "Yellow"
Paper-flower "Yellow". Bracted strawflower is indispensable for winter bouquets. Magnificent dried flower. Glossy shiny large flowers. A slightly spreading bush reaches a height of 100 cm. Each plant has about 25 yellow inflorescence..
Bracted strawflower "Yellow" (golden everlasting, paper-flower)
Paper-flower "Yellow" (Bracted strawflower). Bracted strawflower is indispensable for winter bouquets. Magnificent dried flower. Glossy shiny large flowers. A slightly spreading bush reaches a height of 100 cm. Each plant has about 2..
Bronze Weather Thistle "Bronze"
Stemless Carline Thistle "Bronze" - Carlina acaulis ssp. simplex. Perennial from Asteraceae family. Origin: Europe. Short-stemmed, pure white blossoms with silver bracts when mature. Open on dry days, closed in the evenings and rainy day..
Chinese amaranth (Josephs coat) mix
Chinese amaranth (mix) - Amaranthus tricolor. A bright annual plant with rich colors is a real find for flower growers. Its decorative foliage is defiantly perky. It grows quickly, forming a fairly strong erect stem. The leaves are large, vari..
Showing 1 to 25 of 150 (6 Pages)