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Lobelia "Starship Burgundy" - Lobelia x speciosa.
Lobelia x speciosa is a perennial plant with vertical black stems and long spiers of burgundy flowers. It blooms from mid-summer to early autumn.
Bright flowers attract the atten..
Lobelia "Starship Scarlet Bronze Leaf".
Lobelia x speciosa is a perennial plant with vertical black stems and long spiers of red flowers and a beautiful bronze tint on the leaves.
Bright flowers attract the attention of bees and butt..
Garden speedwell "Pink Shades" (Longleaf speedwell) - Veronica longifolia.
Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family.
Origin: Northern, Eastern and Central Europe, Siberia and Eastern Asia (wet meadows).
Flower colour: pink.
Foliage: o..
Cupid`s Dart .
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial.
Flowers: Summer.
Height: 24 inches.
Ideal For: Border, Cottage Garden, Cut Flower, Dried Flower.
Germination: Easy.
Aftercare: Easy.
An easy to raise, free flowering plant for the front of the border...
Lyre-leaved sage "Purple Knockout" (meadow sage) - Salvia lyrata.
Very decorative foliage. Flowers for cutting and for "dry" winter bouquets.
Perennial from the Lamiaceae family.
Origin: Eastern North America
Maltese cross "Cerveny" - Lychnis chalcedonica.
Spectacularly blooming in the height of summer unpretentious perennial.
Tall, slender stems are crowned with large corymbose inflorescences, consisting of fiery red flowers.
Used for p..
Scarlet lightning (Maltese cross) - Lychnis chalcedonica.
An interesting and colorful mix!
Unpretentious and pleasing to the eye plant.
Erect leafy stems, up to 90 cm high, topped with large salmon-pink, fiery red, white inflorescences up to 10 cm..
White maltese cross "Rauhreif" - Lychnis chalcedonica f. albiflora.
Decorative and deciduous, unpretentious perennial.
Family: Caryophyllaceae.
Origin: Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia (open forests, roadsides).
Flowering plant height:..
Rock Jasmine (Mannsschild) - Androsace carnea ssp. brigantiaca.
For the rockgarden.
Flowering season: April-Mai.
Zones: Z4-Z7.
Perennial 5-15 cm tall, forms a loose cushion. The leaves are green, linear, sharp, 10-15 mm long. The flowers are wh..
Mantle rock - Alchemilla saxatilis.
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: High Pyrenees
Special Features: Scalloped dark green leaves with a silver edge
Colour: Sulphur-yellow
Natural Flowering Period: June - August
Winter Hardiness: Z3
Growth Habit: A t..
Sword Lily (Marsh gladiolus) - Gladiolus palustris.
Family: Iridaceae.
A wild species that grows in the marshy meadows of Central Europe, Northern Italy, the Balkan Peninsula, and Belarus.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Winter hardiness zo..
Crimsoneyed rosemallow "Luna Rose" - Hibiscus mouscheutos.
Гибискус мускусный "Luna Rose".
Высота 120-150 см. Многолетник, выдерживает несильные морозы до -12°С (в регионах с более суровыми зимами выращ..
Shining Meadow Rue - Thalictrum lucidum.
Perennial from the family Ranunculaceae.
Powerful perennial plant up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are double or triple pinnate, bluish-green below.
Inflorescences are pyramidal dense panicles up to 30 cm long,..
Meadow rue - Thalictrum petaloideum.
Ornamental foliage plant. For the rockgarden.
Flowering season: Juni-Juli.
Winter hardiness zones: Z4-Z8.
Colour: pure white, delicate umbels, blue-green pinnatifid foliage, very attractive.
The plant is nake..
Milky bellflower "New Hybrids" - Campanula lactiflora.
Family: Campanulaceae.
Origin: Caucasus.
Special Features: Tall and stately with branched flowering stems in white, rose, light-violet to blue.
Colour: White, rose, light-violet to ..
Monarda "Purple" (Bergamot) - Monarda fistulosa.
Perennial plant up to 80 cm high- a honey plant with shoots exuding a wonderful aroma and unusual pink-purple flowers, attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. The bright flowe..
Moon Carrot - Seseli gummiferum.
Perennial from the Umbelliferae family with a compact rosette of thinly dissected, bluish-gray, evergreen leaves.
Flower colour: white, cream.
Flowering plant height: 80 cm.
Natural flowering period: July - S..
Grayi's Sedge (Morning Star Sedge) - Carex grayi.
Perennial from the Cyperaceae family.
Origin: East coast of North America.
Flowering plant height: 50 cm.
Winter hardiness zones: Z6 - Z9.
1.0 g = 70 seeds.
The leaves are yellowish-green, n..
Mexican hyssop "Bolero" (mosquito-hyssop, hoary balm of Gilead) - Agastache cana x barberi.
It is usually grown as an annual (in Estonian conditions), but it overwinters under cover and can be cultivated as a perennial plant.
This species..
Moss campion - Silene acaulis.
Distributed throughout the Arctic zone of the Northern Hemisphere.
A perennial plant that forms dense, compact turf up to 10 cm in height, which is profusely covered in summer with pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter...
Umbel-flowered Catchfly (moss campion) - Silene orientalis.
A beautiful perennial.
The plant is 60-70 cm high, with small flowers collected in large carmine-pink inflorescences.
Blooms in the second year after sowing in July. Flowering time: ..
Moss Campion "Persian Carpet" - Silene schafta.
Family: Caryophyllaceae.
Moss Champion grows in the Caucasus and Northern Iran.
A perennial plant that forms loose turf up to 20 cm in height. Stems are recumbent and erect, highly branched..
Mossy saxifrage "Flamingo" - Saxifraga x arendsii.
A bright carpet of only inflorescences!
This is an unpretentious evergreen perennial, during the flowering period it becomes like a lush bright carpet, when dense rosettes of leaves are c..
Mossy saxifrage "Rocco Red" - Saxifraga x arendsii.
Decorative, evergreen perennial, forming dense thickets of small rosettes of leaves, strewn with many bright red flowers on thin pedicels. For some reason today they forgot about the..
Mossy Saxifrage "Rocco Red" - Saxifraga x arendsii.
Perennial, low plant (up to 15 cm tall), with a rosette of rounded dense dark green leaves, strewn with many pink flowers on thin pedicels.
The plant is decorative from the beginnin..